Sunday, March 27, 2011

Can't push on Github

When I tried to git push new commits into github, it asks:

Enter password to unlock the private key
An application wants access to the private key
'[my email]' but it is locked.

I tried all my passwords but it didn't work. Google didn't help much either.

Victor is here to help:

It means you password-protected your SSH keys, despite all the advice
against doing so.

The easiest fix is to blow up and re-generate your keys.

cd ~/.ssh
rm id_*
# Do NOT enter a password; just press Enter every time it asks a question
# Go to GitHub -> account settings -> ssh public keys -> add another public key

Now I can finally navigate to my project directory and do
git push


  1. had the same issue and after reading this post i realised i had entered a passphrase ....which upon inputting was the password to unlock the private key it was asking about.

    (1) .Just enter the passphrase you entered as the password

  2. GitHub "strongly recommend a very good, secure passphrase"

    Also the rm command you use wouldn't work for me, my key was in a subdirectory "key_backup", rm -r id* would have done the trick (the space in the command shouldn't be there either I don't think)
