What to do
Add in this line to your HTTP Response Headers: X-Frame-Options: deny
How to check
Firefox's Firebug or Chrome's "Inspect Elements": Go to "Net" option, refresh page, and click on the link that shows up, select "Headers" and you should see "X-Frame-Options: DENY" under "Response Headers"
Terminal: >telnet [insert IP-address of your site] 8000
Press enter and put in GET /en-US/msw/ HTTP/1.1
Press enter twice, and scroll to the very top of the output, should see "x-frame-options: DENY".
What I did
Playdoh automatically sets the "X-Frame-Options" to "deny". But if you want to set it automatically in Django, use response['x-frame-options'] = 'DENY'
In views.py:
# X-Frame-Options def xfo_deny(request): html = " ... my html stuff ... " response = HttpResponse(html) response['x-frame-options'] = 'DENY' return response
Notes on how Django does x-frame-options
In vendor/src/commonware/commonware/response/middleware.py:
from django.conf import settings class FrameOptionsHeader(object): """ Set an X-Frame-Options header. Default to DENY. Set response['x-frame-options'] = 'SAMEORIGIN' to override. """ def process_response(self, request, response): if hasattr(response, 'no_frame_options'): return response if not 'x-frame-options' in response: response['x-frame-options'] = 'DENY'
In vendor/src/commonware/commonware/response/decorators.py:
from functools import wraps from django.utils.decorators import available_attrs def xframe_sameorigin(view_fn): @wraps(view_fn, assigned=available_attrs(view_fn)) def _wrapped_view(request, *args, **kwargs): response = view_fn(request, *args, **kwargs) response['x-frame-options'] = 'SAMEORIGIN' return response return _wrapped_view def xframe_allow(view_fn): @wraps(view_fn, assigned=available_attrs(view_fn)) def _wrapped_view(request, *args, **kwargs): response = view_fn(request, *args, **kwargs) response.no_frame_options = True return response return _wrapped_view def xframe_deny(view_fn): @wraps(view_fn, assigned=available_attrs(view_fn)) def _wrapped_view(request, *args, **kwargs): response = view_fn(request, *args, **kwargs) response['x-frame-options'] = 'DENY' return response return _wrapped_view
how to disable the xframe option from a webpage dynamically .. using javascript