1. Get your public and private recaptcha keys
2. Add keys to your settings: settings_local.py, or settings.py if you don't have your code in public
RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY = 'insert your public key'
RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY = 'insert your private key'
RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY = 'insert your private key'
3. Download Python's Recaptcha-client
1. cd to the directory, e.g. recaptcha-client-x.x.x
python setup.py install
Click for alternative steps 3 and 4
3. pip or easy_install to get Python's Recaptcha-client
4. don't copy anything
5. all the same except the line
is changed into
4. don't copy anything
5. all the same except the line
from your_app.captcha import submit, displayhtml
is changed into
from captcha import submit, displayhtml
4. Copy captcha.py to your app folder:
cp recaptcha-client-x.x.x/recaptcha/client/captcha.py path_to_your_django/apps/your_app
So now you should see that this exists: path_to_your_django/apps/your_app/captcha.py5. Add ReCaptchaField into your forms Differences to marcofucci's step 4 are highlighted.
#add to path_to_your_django/apps/your_app/forms.py from django.conf import settings from django import forms from django.utils.encoding import smart_unicode from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe from your_app.captcha import submit, displayhtml class ReCaptchaField(forms.CharField): default_error_messages = { 'captcha_invalid': _(u'Invalid captcha') } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.widget = ReCaptcha self.required = True super(ReCaptchaField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def clean(self, values): super(ReCaptchaField, self).clean(values[1]) recaptcha_challenge_value = smart_unicode(values[0]) recaptcha_response_value = smart_unicode(values[1]) check_captcha = submit(recaptcha_challenge_value, recaptcha_response_value, settings.RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY, {}) if not check_captcha.is_valid: raise forms.util.ValidationError(self.error_messages['captcha_invalid']) return values[0] class ReCaptcha(forms.widgets.Widget): recaptcha_challenge_name = 'recaptcha_challenge_field' recaptcha_response_name = 'recaptcha_response_field' def render(self, name, value, attrs=None): return mark_safe(u'%s' % displayhtml(settings.RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY)) def value_from_datadict(self, data, files, name): return [data.get(self.recaptcha_challenge_name, None), data.get(self.recaptcha_response_name, None)]
6. Put it in my form! In contrast to, marcifucci's version, I use the built-in forms.
#add to path_to_your_django/apps/your_app/forms.py from django.contrib.auth import forms as auth_forms class UserCreationForm(auth_forms.UserCreationForm): recaptcha = ReCaptchaField(label="I'm a human") class AuthenticationForm(auth_forms.AuthenticationForm): recaptcha = ReCaptchaField(label="I'm a human")
7. See my examples on github:
- step 4 copied in captcha.py
- step 5, 6 forms.py
8. If you have more questions, feel free to email me.
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